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Thank you for stopping by. My name is Libby Fife and I am a curious housewife. Several years ago, someone I have never met, gave me the best advice. He told me to, "Stay curious and your life will always be interesting." I have taken his advice to heart and have let it guide me ever since.

Who am I? I am an artist, homemaker, writer and all around interested person. I have been blogging for about 10 years now, first about my art, then about my spirituality and beliefs, and now with just about everything else that I want to talk about! I am an introvert who can't stop talking!

This blog features short articles about what is on my mind most days; things that I may have a question or two about or maybe just some interest in. Subjects that pique my interest tend to center around health and nutrition, hiking and fitness, spirituality of all stripes, and of course art. The blog is really meant to be a landing place for whatever is on my mind, maybe something I have read or have seen. And although I have some questions, I am happy with not getting answers. Sometimes I draw conclusions and sometimes not. Sometimes I have some answers and sometimes I don't. It's enough most days for me to just be alert, to take notice and to ask why. To wonder and to think. To be human is to question and listen.

Please feel free to comment or to send me an email:




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