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Showing posts from January, 2019

Circling Back: The Ouroboros

Ouroboros Tattoo symbol- Tattoos With Meaning If I were to get a tattoo, it would be some variation of the above image called an ouroboros. An ouroboros has many meanings that reflect a rich heritage of thought. The symbol can be understood in terms such as the infinity of nature, the beginning and end of something, or a circling back to the beginning of a place, thought, or an event. The snake eating its own tale can represent secular and non secular ideas, be culturally specific, and can have both an individual and group oriented meaning. The possibilities for interpretation of the  symbol are endless. (Pun intended!) For my own personal explanation, I see the symbol in terms of the circular nature of things. Through my own experiences I have come to believe that we are never through with things. We never come to the end of a problem or really resolve it for good. The same problem always shows up somewhere down the road, surprising us with its reappearance and

New Year, A View and Some Thoughts From Outer Space

View From Lake Hogan Trail Stand in awe before your creator and all that you see. Know that there is something bigger. Take comfort in that thought and be satisfied.   On Christmas Day we watched a movie. It was The Martian   with Matt Damon. (Yes, I know I am very late to the party. We just don't watch many movies.) It was very entertaining and oddly enough, very moving in a real spiritual sense. I have included a quote from the film here which really struck me. The quote from the movie is Mark Watney's letter to his parents to be delivered by his commander in the event of his death. In the letter he talks about his job, how he loves it and isn't giving up the fight but just preparing for an outcome. It's the last part though that really got me, the part about him dying for something  greater than himself. He accepts this and seems satisfied with the knowledge of what may happen to him. It was a very moving scene. May we all be so composed and content as our end