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Showing posts from July, 2018

Above It All? My Hike at Thunder Mountain

View of one of The Sentinels, headed to summit of Thunder Mountain My post today isn't about the trail so much as it is about a few revelations that I had while on the trail. For factual information, the Thunder Mountain trail head is located up highway 88 in Amador County (El Dorado National Forest), just before you hit Kirkwood ski resort (technically between the Carson Spur and Silver Lake). The starting elevation is 7960' and the high point is 9408'. Our route was an out and back to the top, clocked on my IPhone at just about 7.1 miles. The trail is listed as both a moderate and strenuous hike. (Ha! Ha!) Yesterday I enjoyed a lovely hike, high up in the Sierras at Thunder Mountain. The weather was perfect, clear and warm,with variable and cool winds. It was a small group, just the four of us: me, my hiking buddy, and my two constant companions, Fear and Doubt. Fear and Doubt travel with me everywhere; they are never far from my side. They like to tell me that...